Office of Civility

Key Terms & Definitions – Title IX

A. Actual Knowledge -由第九条协调员或有权代表学院采取纠正措施的任何学院官员发出的性骚扰或性骚扰指控通知. 当唯一具有实际知识的学院官员是被调查者时,实际知识不满足.

B. Complainant -据称是可能构成性骚扰行为的受害者的个人.

C. Consent —通过明确的行为或言语来明确地同意从事性活动. 这一决定必须由所有参与者自由和积极地作出. 非语言交流、沉默、被动或缺乏主动抵抗并不意味着同意. In addition, 以前参加过性活动并不表示现在同意参加,同意一种形式的性活动并不意味着同意其他形式的性活动. 在下列情况下未获得同意:i)强迫, pressured, manipulated or has reasonable fear that they will be injured if they do not submit to the act; ii) is incapable of giving consent or is prevented from resisting due to physical or mental incapacity (including being under the influence of drugs or alcohol); or iii) has a mental or physical disability which inhibits his/her ability to give consent to sexual activity.

D. Dating Violence -针对与其有或曾经有社会关系、恋爱关系或亲密关系的人的暴力犯罪.

E. Domestic Violence – crimes of violence against a current or former spouse or intimate partner; a person with whom the student shares a child in common; a person with whom the student cohabitates or has cohabitated as a spouse or intimate partner; a person similarly situated to the student as a spouse under local domestic laws; or any person who is protected under local domestic laws of the jurisdiction.

F. Education Program or Activity – for purposes of these Procedures, this means any locations, events, 或学院对被投诉人实施实质控制的情况,以及涉嫌性骚扰发生的背景. 它也指由学院官方认可的学生组织拥有或控制的任何建筑物.

G. Formal Complaint -由投诉人提交或第九条协调员签署的文件,指控被投诉人遭受性骚扰,并要求学院调查该指控. 正式投诉启动正式申诉程序,当事人有权获得正当程序保护.

H. Informal Resolution -在没有提交正式投诉的情况下就性骚扰指控达成的解决方案. Informal Resolution may include mediation, facilitated dialogue, conflict coaching, restorative justice, or other models of alternative dispute resolution. 非正式决议不能用于学生对菲律宾十大网赌网站员工性骚扰的指控.

I. Respondent -被举报有可能构成性骚扰行为的个人.

J. Retaliation – to intimidate, threaten, coerce, 或歧视任何个人,以干涉第九条所保障的任何权利或特权,或因为个人提出了报告或投诉, testified, assisted, participated, or refused to participate in any manner in an investigation, proceeding, or hearing under these Procedures.

K. Sexual Assault – an offense that meets the definition of rape, fondling, incest, 或联邦调查局统一犯罪报告系统中使用的法定强奸.

L. Sexual Harassment – quid pro quo harassment; unwelcome conduct that a reasonable person would find so severe, pervasive, 客观上是冒犯性的,因为它实际上剥夺了一个人平等参加学院教育项目或活动的机会, including conduct based on sex stereotyping; or any instance of sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, or stalking.


M. Stalking -从事针对特定人员的一系列行为,导致一个理智的人担心他/她的安全或他人的安全,或遭受严重的情绪困扰.

N. Standard of Evidence -学院采用证据优势作为证明是否发生违规行为的标准. 在学生正当程序听证和员工申诉程序中, legal terms like “guilt, “innocence” and “burden of proof” are not applicable. 学生和员工的正当程序听证会将考虑所有相关来源提供的全部证据. 学院将认定被申请人违反本程序“有责任”或“无责任”.

O. Supportive Measures -合理提供非惩罚性的个性化服务, non-disciplinary, 并且不会给另一方造成不合理的负担这些都是为了确保平等的受教育机会, protect safety, or deter sexual harassment. Examples of support measures are counseling, extensions of deadlines or other course-related adjustments, modifications of work or class schedules, campus escort services, mutual
restrictions on contact between the parties, leaves of absences, increased security and monitoring of certain areas of the College, and other similar measures.

P. Title IX Coordinator – for purposes of these Procedures, 第九条协调员指的是学生成功和菲律宾十大网赌网站文明的执行主任.